Welcome to the Hot Mess Herd! We are excited for you to join us on our journey through raising kids (and dogs), “getting healthy”, random home projects and overall just trying to do our best and enjoy life.

First, let’s introduce ourselves, we call ourselves “The Herd” for a reason, we are a house of 2 parents, 4 kids and 3 dogs. And, yes, it is very much a Hot Mess.

We have a sports-a-holic that wants to play all the sports (baseball above all) and will read any book he can get his hands on (have you heard of Dog Man? Captain Underpants? What about the Wimpy Kid?). We have a soft-hearted artist that has never met a crayon or craft that he didn’t love and will tell you exactly what is on his mind no matter how inappropriate (strangers are only people he hasn’t talked to yet). We have a gas junkie that is a complete ham, will lose his mind over monster trucks and can tell you everything you could ever fathom about Cars (every movie, every short, every character, not even joking). And we a have a princess that is half sass, half sweetness, will drop everything for Doc McStuffins and PAW Patrol and is quick to put her foot down to give out marching orders (she kinda runs things). Mix in 3 dogs, ranging from 13 years old to just a couple months, and you can imagine the lovable chaos.

A few months back we bit the bullet on “getting healthy”, mainly with diet, specifically switching to a keto diet. It’s been great so far and we’ve seen great benefits from the change, including weight loss, better sleep, a boost in energy, and all around feeling better. Prior to the diet change, our move to living healthy started with discovering Young Living and making the move to “ditch and switch” from harmful and toxic household staples (cleaners, shampoos, detergents, etc) to natural and plant-based soaps and cleaners . We are unapologetically a Young Living home and you can find out why we love them so much here.

We are blessed beyond measure with this crazy, exciting life. Everyday is an adventure as we walk, run, (stagger, trip, fall) through life just like everyone else. We’re never perfect, we’re just working everyday to be a little better than we were the day before. We are on a journey to improve ourselves and do the best we can for each other and our family and we hope to share that adventure with you.

– The Hot Mess Herd